Can ChatGPT Really Learn? Debunking Common Misconceptions

Ever wondered if your conversations with ChatGPT have an impact on its learning process? You’re not alone! With the rapid rise of artificial intelligence and its integration into our daily lives, many people are curious about how these chatbots learn from their interactions. So the question is Can ChatGPT really learn?

ChatGPT’s learning process includes pretraining on vast amounts of text and fine-tuning with user input. New versions of ChatGPT may contain some information from users’ chats. However, users can request their chat information not be used.

Let’s start by addressing those burning questions: Does ChatGPT learn from user questions?

Sometimes, it is unlikely that all user data is used… You can also opt out of your data being used here.

You can also go to your settings to opt out and save all your chats while you are there:)

So why does it seem that ChatGPT remembers what you have been chatting about?

There are two systems at work which can cause some confusion.

System One is “Short-Term Memory” within a chat ChatGPT can remember what you have been chatting about but it is limited. ChatGPT makes what is called a context vector that contains a summary of your chat but it’s limited to about 3,000 words (GPT 3.5) in the GPT4 version this is supposed to be extended to 25,000 words. If you sit and chat long enough you will see that ChatGPT will have forgotten the initial portion of your chat.

  • ChatGPT’s Short Term Memory only operates within a particular chat
  • ChatGPT’s Short Term Memory is limited to only about 3,000 words (currently)

System Two is “Long Term Memory” This is what ChatGPT has really “learned” from pretraining on a huge corpus of data. This information is only updated when new versions of GPT come out. As of when I am writing OpenAI just released GPT4 however ChatGPT is still using GPT3.5.

  • Some of your chat’s may become training material for the next version of GPT
  • That means when OpenAI updates their GPT model it may have learned something from your chats.

So, … are my chats going to become part of the corpus for the next version of GPT? And, if sensitive information is shared during a chat, does ChatGPT remember it and can others access it? OpenAI strives to maintain user privacy but I would probably keep my secrets to myself or at least opt out.

Sometimes Shushing is The Best Answer

That said there are some fascinating facts about how CHatGPT learns so read on.

ChatGPT Learning Basics

Now, let’s not forget that ChatGPT is essentially a huge brain made up of algorithms that can generate human-like text. It’s designed to assist, entertain, and sometimes confuse people. But does ChatGPT learn from user questions? Does it absorb our poorly phrased jokes or those internet slang abominations?

Really Not Funny

The good news is that ChatGPT does learn, but not quite in the same way that a human does. It starts by being pre-trained on vast quantities of text from books, articles, and websites. Think of this as cramming thousands of dictionaries and encyclopedias into a single vast brain. This information is carefully processed, allowing ChatGPT to make educated guesses about words and phrases when conversing with users.

Although it may seem strange ChatGPT is “guessing” what word should come next all the time when generating text. It does this by using a special neural network that uses an attention mechanism to help it know what is important. It uses the same mechanism to check if what it is writing makes sense.

So, ChatGPT has a base of knowledge from reading all those texts and it temporarily learns during your chat additional information it may not have known. You can actually use that to help you answer questions or write a blog post. You can see how I used that here.

Addressing Misconceptions

Let’s address some common misconceptions and untangle the often misunderstood capabilities of our pal, ChatGPT.

Learning from User Questions

First and foremost, does ChatGPT learn from user questions? Oh, how I wish I could say that ChatGPT absorbs knowledge like a sponge every time it carries out a chat session! But alas, ChatGPT doesn’t learn in real-time like you and me. Its learning takes place during the pre-training phase, where it’s fed with massive amounts of text from the internet. So, in a way, it’s more like an information-packed pinata waiting to release its contents when engaged in conversation (and with significantly less force).

That said, the chats conducted do make their way into the training data for new versions of GPT, but more on that later.

Chat Inclusion in Corpus

Onto our next question: “Do the chats you perform become part of the corpus that the next version of GPT is trained on?” Yes, it’s true that chat sessions conducted with users eventually become part of the training data – but worry not! This incorporation is done with utter care and while preserving the users’ privacy, (we hope).

Keep in mind, though, that these sessions don’t directly help ChatGPT learn on the spot. Rather, they are used to fine-tune and enhance future versions of the model. Consider it a way of passing the baton from one GPT to another, each learning from the previous just as well-intentioned teachers learn from past experiences.

Sensitive Information Handling

Now, about the burning question: “If I bring up sensitive information in a chat, does ChatGPT remember it, and can others access it?” First and foremost, let me assure you that ChatGPT has a staggering memory limit, and by that, I mean it’s quite limited! With only about 3,000 words in its retention capacity per chat session, it’s like a forgetful goldfish swimming in circles.

As for your concerns about others accessing sensitive information, OpenAI has stringent policies and measures in place to ensure user data privacy and security. Remember, ChatGPT is here to help, not to spill anyone’s deepest secrets! (This response was written by ChatGPT let’s hope it’s not evil).

In summary, while ChatGPT doesn’t learn in real-time and has a somewhat limited memory capacity, it does receive updates and enhancements through new versions that incorporate user chat data. Rest assured that your sensitive information is well-protected, and consider ChatGPT as a valuable resource to engage and inspire. And who knows, maybe one day it’ll even learn to appreciate Richard Feynman’s lectures!

ChatGPT’s 3,000-Word Limitation

Imagine an eager teacher trying to keep up with their students, except they can only remember the last 3,000 important words said. It’s not easy, right? That’s exactly how ChatGPT functions during a conversation. So, let’s explore the implications of this limitation and how it practically affects chat sessions.

Implications in Chat Sessions

ChatGPT memory like a….

One could say ChatGPT has a bit of short-term memory. And by short-term, we mean really short. With just a 3,000-word memory, ChatGPT is like the memory-challenged fish, Dory, from Finding Nemo. This means that if a conversation exceeds this 3,000 important word threshold, our digital teacher and friend may forget what was discussed earlier in the session. So, while ChatGPT is pretty knowledgeable overall, it has its limitations when it comes to remembering interactions.

What this also implies is that any sensitive information you share during a chat won’t be remembered by ChatGPT beyond the 3,000-word limit in the same session. So, you can rest assured that your secrets are safe, and ChatGPT won’t bring them up unexpectedly during future conversations.

Practical Examples

Now you might be wondering, “How does this really affect my interactions with ChatGPT?” Allow us to demonstrate with a few examples.

Let’s say, Alice, an enthusiastic user, starts a conversation with ChatGPTabout big fluffy kittens. They spend 2,500 words discussing the breeds of cats and her childhood. Then, Alice decides to switch gears and talk about her recent cooking adventures. ChatGPT continues to follow along, but as the conversation goes deeper, it will gradually forget about Alice’s love for kittens.

The Forgotten

Essentially, ChatGPT is like a well-meaning teacher who loses track of the lesson, much like we all do when we lose ourselves in an exciting conversation. But don’t worry, this doesn’t make ChatGPT any less amazing. It just adds a bit of quirkiness and a dash of humility to its repertoire.

Now that you have a clearer understanding of ChatGPT’s 3,000-word limitation, it’s important to use this information to your advantage. Craft your interactions with ChatGPT thoughtfully, and be mindful of word limits to ensure a smooth and enjoyable conversation with your digital chat partner.

Training Process Breakdown -> Long-Term AI Memories

Before we dive into the exciting world of ChatGPT’s training process, let’s take a moment to appreciate the hard work and dedication of those invisible magicians behind the screen. Just like trying to remember your favorite movie quotes and song lyrics, it’s a tough job, but someone’s gotta do it!


Okay, class, gather ’round for an action-packed adventure through the world of pre-training. In this stage, our beloved ChatGPT goes on a reading spree, devouring text from books, articles, and the depths of the internet. Think of it like a teenager cramming the night before an exam, but with a far better memory than any (un-augmented) human could hope for. This enables ChatGPT to learn grammar, facts, and the general knowledge required to hold somewhat sensible conversations with users like you and me.


Imagine ChatGPT at the gym, pumping iron to perfect its language model muscles. Alright, maybe not iron, but you get the idea. The fine-tuning stage is like ChatGPT’s personal training session, where it tightens up its conversational abilities using a curated dataset. In the real world, feedback from users plays a significant role in this process. It’s like having an entire support network cheering you on while you chase that perfect bicep curl (or respond to a user’s question, in the case of our friend ChatGPT).

Creation of New GPT Versions

Drumroll please… Here comes the exciting part: the creation of new GPT versions! It’s like a series of sequels, each one (hopefully) improving on the original. We know how nerve-racking it can be when we’re expecting a new and improved product, so let’s take a closer look at how the magic happens.

When new versions of the GPT are developed, they build on previous improvements, including user input from the fine-tuning stage. It’s a never-ending loop of growth, kind of like Tom Selleck’s mustache, only somewhat more useful (sorry, Tom).

In other words, each subsequent version of ChatGPT becomes smarter and more refined, thanks to the collective wisdom of users and its previous training. So, the next time you use it, imagine a chorus of nerdy developers cheering you on as your questions and answers help shape the future of ChatGPT!

Real-Life Examples and Scenarios

Imagine a group of AI enthusiasts, chatting in a virtual room, giggling as they teach a language model new tricks. They might ask their AI friend about the weather or for a funny joke. Meet ChatGPT, the AI language model always eager to learn and serve, albeit with a few memory quirks and limitations.

One curious user asks ChatGPT, “Do you learn from user questions?“. To their surprise, ChatGPT wittily explains that it does learn, but only during its training phase. User input is incorporated into its training, which helps improve its responses over time. However, within an individual chat session, it can only remember around 3,000 words at a time.

Take, for example, a user who shares sensitive information during a conversation with ChatGPT. The good news is ChatGPT won’t retain that data, keeping the user’s secret safe within the confines of their single session. However, the downside is that it might also forget a vital piece of information if the conversation becomes too lengthy.

Now let’s delve into the learning labyrinth of ChatGPT’s training process. It all starts with a massive pre-training phase, where the AI gobbles up large amounts of text data from various sources. Once finished with its textual feast, ChatGPT moves onto the fine-tuning phase where its trainer (our enthusiastic prompt creation teacher) refines the language model using custom datasets.

In this fine-tuning phase, any wise teacher knows the importance of keeping ChatGPT’s diet balanced—just imagine an AI that’s only been trained on Shakespearean sonnets! By including diverse data sources, our AI learner’s capabilities become broader and more refined. With each interaction and iteration, the GPT model improves its performance, much like a student studying for an exam. But even after all this training, ChatGPT retains that relatable, innocent quality (despite its genius intellect) of sometimes being a little forgetful or clumsy.

The beauty of ChatGPT lies in its continuing evolution. As it refines its knowledge and understanding, users might see better results with each passing version. The teacher-student dynamic between the prompt creator and the language model only strengthens with time, creating a harmonious learning environment filled with laughter and lighthearted moments.

The Grand Finale: Putting It All Together

Now that we’ve uncovered the truth about ChatGPT’s learning capabilities, let’s address some lingering questions and misconceptions.

Does ChatGPT learn from user questions? Sort of. While ChatGPT doesn’t learn while having a conversation with you, it does learn through a two-step process: pre-training on vast amounts of text and fine-tuning using custom datasets. So, no, it’s not taking mental notes during your interactions, but it has learned from countless pre-existing text sources (The Conversation).

Do the chats you perform become part of the corpus that the next version of GPT is trained on? Potentially. If the data is anonymized and aggregated, it may be used to improve future GPT models. However, know that each version undergoes a rigorous training process while maintaining data privacy.

If I bring up sensitive information in a chat, does ChatGPT remember it, and can others access it? ChatGPT, despite its wit and charm, has a short memory within a chat session, remembering only about 3,000 words. It doesn’t record sensitive information or cling to your personal details like an overzealous fan (Ditch That Textbook).

Now, for those of you who learn better with visual aids, here’s a handy step-by-step breakdown of ChatGPT’s training process:

Pre-training: ChatGPT starts off as a blank canvas, learning from oodles of text passages before ever setting its digital foot in a chatroom.

User input: It listens to your questions, pondering your wisdom as it gracefully dances over the World Wide Web, searching for answers that would make even Sherlock Holmes jealous.

Creation of new GPT versions: With the experience and finesse of a world-class chef, AI developers concoct fresh GPT versions, folding in the right blend of user inputs to create an improved language model.

So there you have it, folks! The utterly captivating story of ChatGPT, an AI language model that can learn (with the help of its trusty developers) while preserving its laid-back, nonchalant attitude.

In this spirited foray into ChatGPT’s inner workings, we’ve debunked misconceptions, shattered illusions, and explored the incredible process behind its continuous evolution. As we bid adieu and step away from the proverbial chalkboard, let this tale of AI intrigue serve as an example of the boundless potential—both entertaining and educational—that resides within the world of artificial intelligence


Chris Chenault trained as a physicist at NMSU and did his doctoral work in biophysics at Emory. After studying medicine but deciding not to pursue an MD at Emory medical school Chris started a successful online business. In the past 10 years Chris's interests and studies have been focused on AI as applied to search engines, and LLM models. He has spent more than a thousand hours studying ChatGPT, GPT 3.5, and GPT4. He is currently working on a research paper on AI hallucinations and reducing their effects in large language models.

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