ChatGPT Demystified: How Prompts Work and Why They Matter

Welcome to the world of ChatGPT, If you’re new to ChatGPT, prompts are your trusty sidekicks, enabling you to communicate with this AI language model. They play a crucial role in getting meaningful responses and unlocking the true potential of ChatGPT. So what are ChatGPT prompts exactly?

ChatGPT prompts are a way to interact with the AI model by giving it specific instructions or questions. They come in different classes, including question, statement, and opinion prompts. They are useful for various purposes, such as content creation, customer service, and education.

Let’s break it down, shall we? Think of prompts as conversation starters or cues. They help steer the AI in the right direction, just like how you ask someone for directions or opinions. The key to using prompts effectively is finding the right approach, providing context, and being clear with your intentions. Now, this might sound like navigating a complex maze, but trust me, with proper guidance and some examples, you’ll find that creating effective prompts can be a breeze.

Table of Contents

How Prompts Work with ChatGPT

Understanding how prompts operate with ChatGPT is essential to making the most out of this AI tool. At its core, ChatGPT is powered by a language model known as GPT (there are several versions). This technology allows ChatGPT to understand and generate human-like responses based on the prompts it receives.

Confusion: Not Just for Humans Anymore

When you provide prompts to ChatGPT, the AI processes them and produces responses based on its extensive training data. To get accurate and relevant replies, it is vital to supply context and be specific in your prompts. This helps the AI to better comprehend what you are looking for and tailor its responses accordingly.

But keep in mind that while ChatGPT can generate reasonably coherent replies, it does not have true understanding or intelligence like humans. It relies on its vast knowledge base from the text it has seen during its training. That said, crafting effective prompts can significantly enhance your interactions with the AI.

Secret Sauce: The magic phrase “step by step” can sometimes work wonders in guiding ChatGPT to give more detailed explanations in its responses! For instance, you could ask, “What is the process of photosynthesis, step by step?”

The Three Basic Classes of Prompts

When it comes to crafting prompts for ChatGPT, there are generally three basic classes you can consider: question prompts, statement prompts, and opinion prompts. Understanding these classes can help you create effective prompts that generate the desired output, whether it’s asking for general information, making a statement for a particular response, or seeking an opinion.

1. Question Prompts (Keyword Based Prompts)

Question prompts are designed to seek information or clarification from ChatGPT. These prompts often start with “what,” “how,” “when,” “where,” “why,” or “who.” They can be simple or complex, depending on your needs. For example, asking “What is the capital of France?” is a simple question, while a more complex prompt would be “How does photosynthesis work in plants?”

(Question prompts are also known as keyword-based prompts because the answer will contain the subject keyword in the answer.)

Let’s Try One Out.

How does asking ChatGPT to answer like an expert change ChatGPT’s output?

Asking ChatGPT to answer like an expert may lead to a more sophisticated and specialized response. When prompted to answer like an expert, ChatGPT may attempt to use language and terminology that is commonly used in the field or discipline being discussed, and may provide more detailed and specific information than it would otherwise.

Additionally, ChatGPT may attempt to emulate the writing style and tone of an expert in the field, which can help to convey a sense of authority and credibility. This can be particularly useful if you are seeking information on a complex or technical topic, as an expert-like response can provide a more nuanced and accurate understanding of the subject matter.

However, it is important to note that ChatGPT’s responses are generated by algorithms, and while they can be very useful, they may not always be completely accurate or up-to-date. It is always a good idea to cross-check the information you receive from ChatGPT with other sources, especially if you are making important decisions based on that information.

2. Statement Prompts

Statement prompts are used to provide context or set the stage for ChatGPT’s response. They often include a declarative statement followed by a request for the AI to elaborate or complete the thought. For example, you might prompt ChatGPT by saying, “Explain the significance of The Enlightenment in European history.”

Let’s Try One Out

Define what a statement prompt is.

A statement prompt is a statement or question that is used to elicit a response from a person or an AI system like ChatGPT. The prompt serves as the starting point for a conversation or interaction, and provides context for the type of information or response that is expected. The response to a statement prompt can vary in length and complexity, depending on the nature of the prompt and the depth of knowledge required to answer it. Statement prompts are commonly used in a wide range of settings, including customer service, technical support, and educational contexts, among others

Technically speaking the prompt above is also a keyword prompt since the keyword appears in the answer, but the purpose of a statement prompt is different. A statement prompt is crafted to begin an interaction.

3. Opinion Prompts (Generative Prompts)

Opinion prompts are designed to elicit ChatGPT’s perspective or advice on a particular topic. Keep in mind that the AI generates responses based on the data it has been trained on, so the opinions are not truly its own but rather a reflection of the information it has processed. An example of an opinion prompt is, “What do you think are the benefits and drawbacks of remote work?”

Do you think prompt engineering will continue to exist as a job in 5 years?

Prompt engineering involves designing prompts and questions that can elicit accurate and informative responses from AI models like ChatGPT. This is a critical component of many applications of AI, such as chatbots, virtual assistants, and customer service systems. As such, it is likely that prompt engineering will continue to be an important aspect of AI development in the years to come.

However, the field of AI is rapidly evolving and there may be advances in natural language processing and AI systems that automate or streamline the prompt engineering process. Additionally, as AI systems become more sophisticated, they may require less input from prompt engineers in order to generate accurate and relevant responses.

Overall, while the specific role of prompt engineering may evolve over time, it is likely that the need for skilled professionals who can design effective prompts and questions for AI systems will continue to exist in some form.

This is an example of a generative output, the model generates a response based on its understanding of the topic or question posed.

4. Sub Classes of Prompts

The above classes of prompts also can be further broken down into 3 additional types of prompts.

Keyword-based prompts: These prompts involve providing one or more keywords or phrases that the model should incorporate into its response. For example, a keyword-based prompt might be “Tell me about the history of basketball,” where “history of basketball” is the keyword or key phrase. The model would then generate a response that incorporates information related to the history of basketball.

Generative prompts: These prompts are open-ended and do not provide any specific keywords or phrases for the model to incorporate into its response. Instead, the model generates a response based on its understanding of the topic or question posed in the prompt. For example, a generative prompt might be “What is the meaning of life?” The model would then generate a response based on its understanding of the question.

Task-oriented prompts: These prompts are designed to elicit a specific type of response or accomplish a specific task. For example, “As an Experienced Workout Instructor, create an advanced workout schedule for me in the gym next week using only free weights.”

(We’ll be going over examples of Task-Oriented prompts soon, note how I added a workout instructor persona to the prompt, this method often gives better results.)

By understanding these classes of prompts, you’ll be better equipped to engage with ChatGPT and get the type of response you’re looking for. Now that you have an overview of the classes, let’s dive deeper into crafting effective prompts to enhance your ChatGPT interactions.

Crafting Effective Prompts

Creating precise and clear prompts is crucial for obtaining the desired output from ChatGPT. A well-crafted prompt allows the AI to better understand your intent and provide a more accurate response. In this section, we’ll cover some tips and best practices to help you design effective prompts.

First and foremost, be specific with your prompts. A vague prompt might result in an equally vague or unrelated response from ChatGPT.

Make your questions or statements as clear as possible to guide the AI in understanding your intent.

For example, instead of asking “Tell me about avocados,” a more specific prompt would be “What are the nutritional benefits of avocados?”

Another important aspect is to consider providing context within the prompt.

Sometimes, ChatGPT might require a bit more information to accurately comprehend the question and provide an appropriate answer. By including relevant context, you’ll increase the chances of receiving a useful response.

For instance, instead of asking “Why do I see red,” a better prompt would be “Why do I see red when I am angry?”

When crafting prompts, it’s also beneficial to set the tone and persona of the AI’s response.

If you want a friendly or humorous reply, make sure to mention that in your prompt. You could say, “Explain quantum mechanics to me like I’m a five-year-old, but make it entertaining.”

Avoid using ambiguous or conflicting information within the prompt, as this may confuse ChatGPT and result in an unclear response.

Stick to one topic or question per prompt to help maintain focus and coherence in the AI’s output.

Finally, don’t be afraid to experiment with prompt restructuring. If ChatGPT isn’t providing the desired response, try rephrasing your question or providing additional context until you achieve the desired outcome.

Use Cases for Prompts

Now that we have a better understanding of ChatGPT prompts and how to craft them, let’s explore some of the different ways prompts can be used to enhance our interactions with ChatGPT. In this section, we will highlight a variety of real-world applications where ChatGPT prompts have proven to be useful.

One popular use for prompts is in customer service chatbots. Many businesses are integrating ChatGPT into their customer support platforms to provide more efficient and accurate responses. Well-crafted prompts can help guide the chatbot to provide relevant information, answer frequently asked questions, and even troubleshoot basic issues. For example:

I need help connecting a customer’s new device to Wi-Fi.

Sure, I’d be happy to help! Here are the steps to connect a new device to Wi-Fi:

First, make sure the Wi-Fi on the device is turned on. You can usually find this setting in the device’s settings menu.

Next, search for available Wi-Fi networks. This can typically be done by tapping on the Wi-Fi icon in the settings menu.

Once you see the list of available networks, select the one you want to connect to.

If the network is secured with a password, you’ll need to enter it to connect. Make sure to double-check that you’ve entered the password correctly before connecting.

Once you’ve entered the password and selected the network, your device should connect to the Wi-Fi. You should see a confirmation message or icon indicating that the device is connected.

If you’re still having trouble connecting, please let me know what type of device you’re trying to connect and any error messages you’re seeing, and I’ll do my best to assist you further.

Virtual personal assistants are another common use case for ChatGPT. By using a combination of question, statement, and opinion prompts, virtual assistants can help users with a wide range of tasks, from managing their calendars and to-do lists to providing personalized recommendations. Consider the following example:

Please find a highly-rated vegetarian restaurant for dinner in New York City.

Certainly! Here’s a highly-rated vegetarian restaurant in New York City that you might enjoy:

“abcV” is a popular vegetarian restaurant located in Manhattan, New York City. The restaurant offers a variety of vegetarian and vegan options, with a focus on fresh, seasonal ingredients. Some of their popular dishes include the avocado lettuce cups, the butternut dosa, and the charcoal roasted sweet potato.

abcV has received positive reviews for its innovative vegetarian dishes, beautiful ambiance, and friendly service. It has a rating of 4.5 stars on Yelp and 4.7 stars on Google, making it a highly-rated option for vegetarian dining in New York City.

I hope this recommendation helps, and that you have a wonderful dinner!

Additionally, ChatGPT can prove invaluable in the fields of content creation and editing, when users require assistance with generating ideas, writing engaging content, or improving their written material. Here’s an illustration of how a prompt can help create a catchy blog post title:

You are a marketing expert. Please suggest 5 titles for an article with the subject, “What are ChatGPT Prompts”. that are crafted to draw clicks from organic traffic, if possible they should be 60 characters or less.

Sure, here are 5 potential titles for an article on ChatGPT prompts that are designed to draw clicks from organic traffic:

“Mastering ChatGPT: The Power of Prompts” (43 characters)

“Unleashing ChatGPT’s Potential with Prompts” (44 characters)

“Get More from ChatGPT: Harness the Power of Prompts” (53 characters)

“Maximizing Your ChatGPT Experience with Prompts” (50 characters)

“How to Dominate ChatGPT with Effective Prompts” (48 characters)

I hope these suggestions are helpful and give you some ideas for creating a compelling title for your article.

I did not like any of those titles because they were not related enough to the subject so,…

could you include more of the original subject in the title?

Certainly, here are 5 additional title options that incorporate more of the original subject:

“The Ultimate Guide to ChatGPT Prompts: How to Get the Best Responses” (68 characters)

“Cracking the Code on ChatGPT Prompts: Tips and Tricks for Success” (65 characters)

“ChatGPT Prompts: Unlocking the Power of Language AI” (53 characters)

“From Novice to Expert: Navigating ChatGPT Prompts Like a Pro” (59 characters)

I hope these additional title options help!

For our last use case, ChatGPT can be utilized in entertainment and gaming to create interactive experiences and immersive storylines driven by the user’s input. With well-designed prompts, ChatGPT can serve as a responsive and engaging narrator or a character in role-playing games. For example:

You are a wizard in a medieval fantasy world. Describe how you will help the protagonist save the kingdom from an evil sorcerer.

I’d start by using my wizarding powers to gather information about the sorcerer’s strengths and weaknesses, as well as any potential allies we may have. From there, I’d work with the protagonist to devise a plan of attack, using my magical abilities to bolster our forces and neutralize the sorcerer’s defenses. Depending on the situation, I might also use divination or scrying to uncover hidden clues or secrets that could give us an edge in the battle. Throughout it all, I’d remain steadfast in my commitment to the cause, providing both moral and magical support to ensure that the kingdom is saved and peace is restored.

These examples merely scratch the surface of the endless possibilities ChatGPT offers across different domains. With well-crafted prompts and a clear understanding of the technology’s capabilities, ChatGPT can prove to be a powerful tool in many diverse applications.

Limitations and Challenges of Prompts

As powerful as ChatGPT is, it’s important to acknowledge that it does have some limitations and challenges when it comes to using prompts effectively. One notable constraint is ChatGPT’s memory capacity, which impacts its ability to effectively process long or complicated prompts.

For instance, if a user provides a lengthy or complex prompt, ChatGPT may not be able to comprehend or respond accurately to the entire input. To navigate this constraint, users should aim to keep their prompts concise and clear.

Another challenge is managing the potential for biased or politically inclined responses. A robust knowledge of how ChatGPT processes and handles prompts can help users avoid undesired responses. Filtering and fine-tuning the model are techniques that ensure a safer and more accurate interaction with the AI.

False information may occasionally be produced as well, since ChatGPT is trained on a vast amount of internet data, which inevitably includes some inaccuracies. To minimize the risk of receiving false information, users should be cautious and verify critical facts independently.

When using prompts with ChatGPT, it is also important to remember that the AI does not possess a clear motive or personal opinion. While it can produce coherent and engaging responses when prompted, the information may not always be based on real-life experiences or emotions like a human would have.

In conclusion, being aware of these limitations and challenges enables users to get the most out of ChatGPT, as they can adjust their approach or refine their prompts to mitigate any potential issues. By taking these factors into account, users can enjoy more seamless and fruitful interactions with this powerful AI tool.


In summary, prompts play a crucial role in interacting with ChatGPT, enabling users to communicate effectively and obtain desired responses from the AI. As we’ve explored, there are various types and classes of prompts, and understanding how to craft them is essential for both novice and experienced users.

Through practical examples and strategies discussed in this article, anyone can harness the potential of ChatGPT by applying these principles. By learning how to avoid common mistakes and being mindful of limitations and challenges associated with ChatGPT prompts, users can significantly improve their interactions with this fascinating technology.

I encourage you to experiment with different types of prompts, discover diverse use cases, and stay updated with the latest advancements in ChatGPT. With practice and a bit of creativity, you too can master the art of crafting effective prompts for various applications. So, go on, and embark on your exciting journey with ChatGPT and prompts – the possibilities are endless.


Chris Chenault trained as a physicist at NMSU and did his doctoral work in biophysics at Emory. After studying medicine but deciding not to pursue an MD at Emory medical school Chris started a successful online business. In the past 10 years Chris's interests and studies have been focused on AI as applied to search engines, and LLM models. He has spent more than a thousand hours studying ChatGPT, GPT 3.5, and GPT4. He is currently working on a research paper on AI hallucinations and reducing their effects in large language models.

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