The Power of ChatGPT in Selecting a Killer Domain Name

Finding a good domain name that’s not taken in this day and age is a pain. I found this domain name by coming through lists of expired domains. Not only is that time-consuming but it’s pretty boring. Even though there’s lots of filters that you can use to get rid of most have a bad domains you’re still stuck with a bunch to go through. I’ll go through that later, but for now, let’s see what ChatGPT can do.

ChatGPT be used as a smart filter to reduce the number of domain names from a given list. It can also be used to create domain names given a certain set of criteria including a theme, length, and brand-ability factors.

Table of Contents

A pretty much true story

Yep That’s Me

Once Upon a Time long ago, there was an entrepreneur named Chris. One day Chris decided to start a blog and he needed a domain name. Fueled by caffeine and inspiration Chris spent many hours brainstorming for the perfect domain name. He knew his best chance to get what he wanted was to look at domain names that were expiring.

He spent days going through lists trying to find just the right domain. Finally, he found two domain names that were fantastic. One was great for his current endeavor and one held the promise of the future Chris was on the fence should he register both or just one…

Chris decided to sleep on it and so the next day he decided to register both domains. Alas and a cruel twist of fate somebody else had already registered the other domain name just hours before and so Chris’s dreams of owning went away

And that’s the way it goes. It takes lots of time normally to find a decent domain name. Once you do find one You definitely should go ahead and buy it if you think that you might ever use it. Nothing else that’s really good you can always put it up for sale.

What’s really cool though to me at least is that you can use chat GPT to help you go through lists of expired domain names to find the gold. You can also use chat GPT to create a list of domain name use sites like to test them in bulk. (I think name cheap currently lets you test 5,000 different domains at a time to see if you can register them).

Using chat GPT I’m quite certain that you will be able to find a very good domain for yourself or perhaps one for you to invest in.

Setting the Criteria for ChatGPT To Be A Smart Filter

Now my story does not have to be yours yeah! ChatGPT can act as a smart filter or it can help you develop a list of domains based on your criteria. So let’s consider my problem which was trying to find a domain name that would fit this website,

I needed a domain that was about AI and that was short and easily remembered. It also couldn’t be something that was already related to somebody else’s trademark. I went to which is a free site for you to find expired domains. They also have a lot of filters that can help you reduce the expired domains down to something manageable.

So you are welcome to go over to expired domains and play around. It doesn’t have a good download function so you’re going to have to use their cut-and-paste to create a list of domains. You can use something like the prompt below to help you to sort through those domain names.

Please review this list of Domains, find domains that contain ai followed by a word like, aimusic, or where the numbers and letters are common shortcuts for words. ……… A Bunch More ……

Here are some examples of domain names from the list you provided that contain “ai” followed by a word or common shortcuts like numbers and letters:
These domain names can be used as examples in the blog post to illustrate the use of ChatGPT in finding theme-driven, brandable domain names.

So out of a couple hundred, it pulled out 10. Most of these are still not very usable. The first couple are actually ones that I gave it as examples so they don’t really count. I really would not pick a domain name that had a number in it unless that’s all I could really find. But there are a couple here that might be worth looking at. (Just checked someone snagged it!)

They’re short, they’re brandable, and most people will probably spell them correctly. Now the list of domains that I just pulled was real from As you can see sometimes you have to wait a bit to find that nugget of gold.

Fortunately for us, we have another option now thanks to chat GPT🙂

Having ChatGTP Create New Domains To Test Based On A Theme

What we’re going to do is set up a series of criteria for what a good domain is. Then we’re going to also give ChatGPT some information about the website that we are trying to find a domain for. With that hopefully, ChatGPT will come up with some great domain names for us that aren’t all taken.

Fortunately for us, we can also specify that we don’t want it to give us domain names that it already knows from its data set. So we don’t get one that’s already trademarked.

Please suggest .com domain names that fit well with the the theme “Using AI to Achieve More”

Try to make it a total of 4-8 charaters before the .com

It must be easy to spell correctly by hearing it.

Try to use full words.

Please give me 100 attempts.

Do not repeat domains you already sent me.

Keep it short and simple

Avoid hyphens, numbers, and doubled letters.

Do not add random letters onto the end like “x”

Stay unique, specific, and on-theme

Add relevant keywords.

Do thorough research to avoid trademark infringement.

Avoid vague or generic options.

Make it easy to type and pronounce.

Do not include domains that are frequently found in your database

Reading the domain left to right should make sense.

Doman should be brandable

Domain should be a .com

I apologize, but I cannot verify the availability of these domain names, nor can I ensure that they do not infringe on any trademarks. However, I can provide you with a list of domain name ideas that fit your requirements. Please note that given the constraints, it’s challenging to create 100 unique domain names. Here are 20 suggestions:

So, nice list but… Most of these were taken as well as the next 2-3 times I ran domain names through. What I was able to find was,

and a few more. So they’re still work involved. Finding exactly the right domain name is still going to take a little while but, with ChatGTP it will go faster.

Choosing The Right Domain Name

Now you might have noticed that I had a lot of criteria that I was trying to make ChatGPT follow when I ask it to come up with a list of domain names. Here’s the basis for that list.

Best practices for finding a theme-driven, brandable domain name

Explanation of best practices

  1. Keep the domain name short, memorable, and easy to spell
  2. Choose a domain name that reflects your brand or theme
  3. Avoid using hyphens, numbers, or other special characters that may confuse users
  4. Make sure the domain name isn’t too similar to existing brands or websites
  5. Research potential trademark conflicts before registering a domain name
  6. Consider incorporating relevant keywords that can help with SEO
  7. Check social media handles and other online presence to ensure brand consistency

Most of these are pretty obvious, you want a domain name that’s easy to remember, easy to spell, and reflects your brand or theme.

You can do trademark analysis two different ways, first, you can go to Uspto.Gov and search the database there it’s called Tess. Second, you can just do a search for everything before the com. For instance, I searched for AIDare before I bought the domain.

Unfortunately, you don’t have to register a trademark to have a trademark. It’s enough that you’ve been using it for a period of time in business. So it’s important that you verify that no one is using the domain name that you want already.

You may also want to check social media handles just make sure that you’re going to be able to use that handle.

In the second prompt example where I had ChatGPT find domain names for us, I did incorporate those rules. Keep in mind though chat GPT didn’t follow the rules 100%..

It included on this list a couple of domains that it shouldn’t have by the rules,

And that’s okay. might be a great domain name. I probably wouldn’t use because people might misspell it.

Tips and Tricks To Make Your Life Easier

  1. Be very specific with their search criteria. To get suggestions that work better for you use clear and detailed criteria like related keywords, character limits, and specific themes.
  2. Experiment, that’s one of the best things you can do try slight variations in the names of your themes and ask ChatGTP to suggest theme variations.
  3. Use iteration if you’re not getting what you want ask ChatGTP to help you fix your prompt. After you get a bad result what you can do is just say chat GPT I’m not getting the result I want I want these results can you help me fix my prompt.
  4. Think about using synonyms and you can ask chat GPT for synonyms. You can also ask it for related terms.
  5. Be patient this may take a little while. Even if it takes you three or four hours it’s still relatively fast compared to a day or two. Try to enjoy yourself.
  6. Stay organized! Be sure to record the domain names that look promising in a separate Notepad and save it.
  7. Don’t be afraid to pull the trigger. At some point, you need to make a choice. Ask a few people around you what they think about the choices that you have.

Common Pitfalls When Searching For A Domain Name

  1. Choosing a domain name that’s too long or too hard to spell.
  2. Using hyphens ever or numbers unless you really have to.
  3. Infringing on somebody else’s trademark or using a domain name that’s too close to an existing trademark
  4. Ignoring the fact that everybody expects the domains to end in .Com (Yes you want a .com.)
  5. Failing to consider your audience or the theme of your website.

How chat GPT can help with some of these problems.

  1. ChatGPT can help you find easy-to-spell short domain names that are available.
  2. Keep in mind that you need to use another website to verify domains are available like
  3. Since ChatGPT is aware of a lot of trademarks already it can help you steer clear of a lot of the problems by never showing you those domain names.
  4. ChatGPT can help you modify your theme slightly to open up other domain name ideas, it can also suggest related keywords and related ideas.
  5. You can also include your audience in the criteria if that’s a challenge for instance if you’re website is for children.

How to Pull the Trigger and Just Buy It

Once you have some good alternatives for your domain name set them aside for 24 hours then go through this checklist.

Assessing the quality of suggested domain names

Evaluation checklist for a new domain name

  1. Is the domain name relevant to my theme or industry
  2. Memorability: is it easy to spell and pronounce
  3. Uniqueness: is it distinct from competitors
  4. Length: ideally between 6-15 characters before the .com
  5. Availability: can’t be trademarked close to a trademark already in use obviously
  6. Readability: no unintentional words or phrases formed
  7. Review the suggestions and eliminate any that don’t meet the evaluation criteria
  8. Shortlist the top contenders and gather feedback from friends, family, or colleagues
  9. Check the availability of the shortlisted names and register your chosen domain quickly to avoid losing it to someone else


So there you have it folks that’s how you can use chat GPT to help you to pick your new domain name. I hope this helped you and I look forward to visiting your site.


Chris Chenault trained as a physicist at NMSU and did his doctoral work in biophysics at Emory. After studying medicine but deciding not to pursue an MD at Emory medical school Chris started a successful online business. In the past 10 years Chris's interests and studies have been focused on AI as applied to search engines, and LLM models. He has spent more than a thousand hours studying ChatGPT, GPT 3.5, and GPT4. He is currently working on a research paper on AI hallucinations and reducing their effects in large language models.

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