Use ChatGPT to Know Who Your Customers Are (Scary Good)

I’ve been working in retail now for more than 20 years, that’s a long time. The number of times I’ve had to change how I do business is incredible. The fact is almost every 2 to 3 years things have changed enough that my business has changed significantly. So one of the most important things that I need to know is who are my customers and what are they thinking. So how can I do that quickly with ChatGPT?

You can use ChatGPT to predict a customer’s Avatar based on either what they’re reading or what they are purchasing. The customer Avatar will include demographic information, pain points, needs, interests, and other information.

I have just begun to use customer avatars in my advertising efforts. So when it came to using chat GPT to create one I did a little research. You may find this video helpful as well (source). But stick around I have some of my own secret sauce to pass on as well. Including a prompt that will do almost all the work for you.

Market Research Makes Winners

So one good question is why to go to all the work of creating these customer avatars? After all though we want to sell to everyone? The fact is you’re never going to sell to everyone nobody’s product appeals to everyone.

So what we’re going to do is pick out the most probable customer or a segment of those probable customers and get to know them better. Why? By knowing them better we have a better opportunity to engage with them, meet their needs, and know what to do to keep them as a customer or reader.

Table of Contents

The Process of Creating a Customer Avatar with ChatGPT

So let’s Jump Right In and look at how the prompt works.

I love using ChatGPT to create customer avatars for my business because it’s such a powerful AI tool! It all starts with providing the right prompt. I give a brief description of my target audience, including demographic and psychographic information. This helps ChatGPT understand who I want to serve and generates a more accurate customer avatar for my needs.

Remember, the purpose of the customer avatar is to have a clear representation of your ideal customer. It aids you in tailoring your content, products, and services specific to their wants and needs. This ultimately helps your business or blog attract and retain more of your desired audience.

Finally you need to find your USP, your unique selling proposition. Why should these customers buy from you? What can you do to set yourself apart? Understanding your customer and what is important to them will make finding that a snap!

Customer Avatar Prompt

Let’s Jump Right In and see what we get out of chat GPT whenever we ask it to determine the customer Avatar. Keep in mind you can run the same exercise several times and see what you get out. The one thing that ChatGPT is very good at is predicting probabilities so you’ll probably find that it’s scary good at figuring out who your customers for readers are.

We’re going to start by looking at a particular interest group namely Amazon sellers. The type of products that we would sell them are not physical so let’s see how that works out.

Start Prompt

Acting as an Expert Demographics Analyst, please take the [subject] I give you and use it to meet the goal.

Your goal is to create a comprehensive and highly detailed customer avatar, taking into account their demographics, pain points, personality characteristics, and preferences. Use this avatar to generate insights about their behaviors, needs, and interests related to the [subject]. Be sure to follow the instructions below step by step,

Identify the type of person most likely to be the [subject] and create a detailed Avatar, considering factors such as age, income, education, and geographical location.

Analyze your Avatar’s goals, values, challenges, and pain points in regard to the [subject].

Create a set of questions your Avatar would likely ask about the [subject], considering their challenges and pain points.

Identify your Avatar’s sources of information, including websites they would likely visit and influencers they might follow, to learn more about the [subject].

Suggest products or services that your Avatar would be likely to purchase to meet their wants and needs related to the [subject].

Recommend a specific product or service a blogger could offer to cater to your Avatar’s needs and preferences related to the [subject].

If the Avatar purchased our product what would the physical effect be if any to their body? Describe a before and after state.

If the Avatar purchased our product how would they feel? Describe a before and after state.

If the Avatar purchased our product how would it change their day? Describe a before and after state.

If the Avatar purchased our product how would it change their status in society? Describe a before and after state.

What are the most likely USPs for this Avatar for our product?

Are there any particularly good hooks that we could use to advertise?

Propose a lead magnet, such as a free resource or downloadable, that a blogger could provide to your Avatar in exchange for their email address and subscription to an email list.

[subject] Amazon Startup Owners


Name: Alex
Age: 32
Gender: Male
Location: San Francisco Bay Area, California
Education: Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration
Income: $80,000-$120,000 per year

Alex Age 32

Alex is an entrepreneur and the owner of a startup that sells products on Amazon. He is highly motivated, ambitious, and passionate about his business. He spends most of his time researching and learning about Amazon’s best practices to improve his business and generate more sales.

Goals: Alex’s main goal is to grow his Amazon business and increase his revenue. He also wants to establish a strong brand presence and reputation on Amazon.

Values: Alex values hard work, innovation, and customer satisfaction. He believes that a good product, excellent customer service, and positive reviews are the keys to success on Amazon.

Challenges and Pain Points: Alex’s biggest challenge is dealing with the intense competition on Amazon. He struggles to differentiate his products from similar ones, attract more customers, and increase his sales. Additionally, he faces logistical and operational challenges, such as managing inventory, shipping, and returns. These challenges cause him stress and anxiety, and he often feels overwhelmed and discouraged.

Questions Alex would ask:

How can I stand out from my competitors on Amazon?
How can I increase my product’s visibility and attract more customers?
How can I optimize my product listing to improve my sales?
How can I streamline my logistics and operations to save time and money?
Sources of Information: Alex reads Amazon’s official blog, follows successful Amazon sellers on social media, and participates in Amazon seller forums and communities.

Products or Services Alex would purchase:

Amazon PPC advertising services

Professional product photography and videography services
Amazon listing optimization and copywriting services
Inventory management software and tools

Amazon SEO services
Recommended product/service for a blogger: Amazon PPC advertising services that can help Alex increase his product’s visibility, attract more customers, and boost his sales on Amazon.

Physical effect if Avatar purchased our product: Since the product is a service (Amazon PPC advertising), there would be no physical effect on Alex’s body.

Emotional effect if Avatar purchased our product:

Before: Alex would feel stressed and anxious about his business’s lack of visibility and low sales on Amazon.
After: Alex would feel more confident, motivated, and optimistic about his business’s growth potential.

How it would change their day:

Before: Alex would spend most of his day worrying about his business’s lack of growth and struggling to keep up with his competitors on Amazon.
After: Alex would spend most of his day working on his business’s growth strategies, implementing the Amazon PPC advertising service, and monitoring his sales and metrics.

How it would change their status in society:

Before: Alex’s business might be unknown to most people outside of his circle.
After: Alex’s business could potentially grow and become more well-known, which could increase his status and reputation in his community and industry.

Most likely USPs for this Avatar for our product:

Increased visibility and exposure on Amazon
More targeted and effective advertising campaigns
Improved sales and revenue
Better ROI and profitability

Good hooks to advertise:

“Take your Amazon business to the next level with our PPC advertising services”
“Get ahead of your competitors on Amazon with our proven strategies”
“Boost your sales and revenue on Amazon with our expert support”

Lead magnet: A free guide on “10 Proven Strategies to Boost Your Amazon Sales and Revenue” in exchange for Alex’s email address and subscription to an email list.

Something to remember:

When we’re selling things to people it is to their emotions that we first have to appeal. People first make a decision that they want to buy something because of their feelings and secondly, they justify that decision logically.

There’s a bunch of research that supports this, source. Press the important thing is to understand that we first have to know what is going to affect our avatar’s emotions. As you can see above by looking deeply into what an Amazon Seller is struggling with we can understand their emotions much more easily.

Let’s try something a little different. Let’s suppose that interested in someone who’s reading an article. As a blogger, I can tell you it’s not always clear who’s reading what you’re writing. Using an avatar to understand that better really helps in terms of personalizing lead magnets and figuring out affiliate products or products that we can create and sell to them.

Acting as an Expert Demographics Analyst, please take the [subject] I give you and use it to meet the goal.

Your goal is to create a comprehensive and highly detailed customer avatar, taking into account their demographics, pain points, personality characteristics, and preferences. Use this avatar to generate insights about their behaviors, needs, and interests related to the [subject]. Be sure to follow the instructions below step by step,

—————————- Removed Duplicate Prompt Material————————-

Propose a lead magnet, such as a free resource or downloadable, that a blogger could provide to your Avatar in exchange for their email address and subscription to an email list.

[subject] Person Reading A Blog Post On Creating Avatars with ChatGPT


Name: Sarah
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Location: New York City, New York
Education: Bachelor’s degree in Marketing
Income: $50,000 – $70,000 per year

Sarah is a marketing coordinator at a small business in New York City. She is creative, organized, and enjoys learning about new marketing strategies and tactics. She is interested in improving her skills and knowledge to help her company grow and succeed.

Sarah Age 28

Goals: Sarah’s main goal is to learn more about creating customer avatars to improve her company’s marketing strategies. She wants to understand her company’s target audience better and create more effective campaigns to reach them.

Values: Sarah values creativity, collaboration, and innovation. She believes that marketing is all about connecting with people and building relationships based on trust and authenticity.

Challenges and Pain Points: Sarah’s biggest challenge is creating accurate and detailed customer avatars. She struggles to gather enough information about her company’s target audience and understand their needs, preferences, and behaviors. Additionally, she faces time and resource constraints, which make it challenging to conduct thorough research and analysis.

Questions Sarah would ask:

How can I gather more accurate and detailed information about our target audience?
What are the key factors I should consider when creating a customer avatar?
How can I use customer avatars to create more effective marketing campaigns?
How can I update and refine our customer avatars over time?
Sources of Information: Sarah reads marketing blogs and websites, follows marketing experts on social media, and participates in marketing webinars and workshops.

Products or Services Sarah would purchase:

Market research and analysis services
Customer profiling and segmentation software
Avatar creation templates and tools
Marketing training and courses
Digital marketing agency services
Recommended product/service for a blogger: Avatar creation templates and tools that can help Sarah create more accurate and detailed customer avatars for her company’s marketing campaigns.

Physical effect if Avatar purchased our product: Since the product is a digital tool, there would be no physical effect on Sarah’s body.

Emotional effect if Avatar purchased our product:
Before: Sarah would feel overwhelmed and frustrated with the challenge of creating accurate and detailed customer avatars.
After: Sarah would feel more confident, organized, and empowered to create effective customer avatars for her company’s marketing campaigns.

How it would change their day:
Before: Sarah would spend most of her day struggling to create accurate and detailed customer avatars, which would cause her stress and anxiety.
After: Sarah would spend most of her day using the avatar creation templates and tools to create effective customer avatars, which would increase her productivity and job satisfaction.

How it would change their status in society:
Before: Sarah’s company might struggle to reach and connect with its target audience, which could limit its growth and success.
After: Sarah’s company could potentially improve its marketing strategies and reach its target audience more effectively, which could increase its reputation and success in its industry.

Most likely USPs for this Avatar for our product:

Easy-to-use templates and tools for creating accurate and detailed customer avatars
Streamlined and efficient avatar creation process
Improved marketing strategies and campaigns
Increased ROI and profitability
Good hooks to advertise:

“Transform your marketing campaigns with our easy-to-use avatar creation templates and tools”
“Unlock the secret to effective marketing with our proven avatar creation process”
“Create accurate and detailed customer avatars in minutes with our powerful tool”
Lead magnet: A free guide on “10 Tips for Creating Accurate and Detailed Customer Avatars” in exchange for Sarah’s email address and subscription to an email list.

Hi Sarah! It’s a pleasure to see you here. Now your name may not be Sarah but you probably have some things in common with her. Take a close look at the avatar and see how much of you is in there. Would he give you the information that you needed to be able to sell something to yourself?

Okay, last one. We’re going to do a customer Avatar for a physical product. The product is a Frozen Balloon Garland for child’s party.

Acting as an Expert Demographics Analyst, please take the [subject] I give you and use it to meet the goal.

Your goal is to create a comprehensive and highly detailed customer avatar, taking into account their demographics, pain points, personality characteristics, and preferences. Use this avatar to generate insights about their behaviors, needs, and interests related to the [subject]. Be sure to follow the instructions below step by step,

—————————- Removed Duplicate Prompt Material————————-

Propose a lead magnet, such as a free resource or downloadable, that a blogger could provide to your Avatar in exchange for their email address and subscription to an email list.

[subject] Frozen Balloon Garland


Name: Emily
Age: 30
Gender: Female
Location: Austin, Texas
Education: High School Diploma
Income: $50,000-$70,000 per year

Emily is a mom of two young children and works as a part-time administrative assistant. She loves hosting parties and events for her family and friends and enjoys decorating her home for special occasions. She is always on the lookout for creative and unique party decoration ideas that can make her events more special and memorable.

Emily Age 30

Goals: Emily’s goal is to create beautiful and memorable events for her family and friends. She wants her parties to be unique and impressive, and she wants to create a welcoming and inviting atmosphere for her guests.

Values: Emily values creativity, uniqueness, and personalization. She believes that attention to detail and thoughtfulness are the keys to creating a memorable and enjoyable event.

Challenges and Pain Points: Emily’s biggest challenge is finding unique and affordable decoration ideas that match her party themes and personal style. She struggles to create DIY decorations that look professional and impressive, and she often feels overwhelmed and stressed by the process. Additionally, she has limited time and budget, which makes it challenging to plan and execute her events.

Questions Emily would ask:

How can I create a beautiful and unique party decoration that matches my theme and style?
How can I make my party decoration look professional and impressive?
What are some affordable decoration ideas that can make my event memorable?
How can I save time and money on party decorations?
Sources of Information: Emily follows lifestyle and party blogs and Instagram accounts that provide creative decoration ideas and tips. She also visits craft stores and party supply stores for inspiration and decoration shopping.

Products or Services Emily would purchase:

Frozen balloon garland kit
Professional balloon decoration services
Themed party decoration packages
DIY decoration kits
Decoration consulting and planning services
Recommended product/service for a blogger: Frozen balloon garland kit that includes all the necessary materials and instructions for creating a beautiful and unique party decoration.

Physical effect if Avatar purchased our product:

Since the product is a decoration kit, there would be no physical effect on Emily’s body.

Emotional effect if Avatar purchased our product:

Before: Emily would feel stressed and overwhelmed by the process of creating unique and impressive party decorations.
After: Emily would feel more confident, creative, and excited about her upcoming event, knowing that she has a beautiful and unique decoration that her guests will love.

How it would change their day:

Before: Emily would spend most of her day worrying about her party decoration and feeling stressed and overwhelmed.
After: Emily would spend most of her day working on her other party planning tasks and feeling excited and confident about her decoration.

How it would change their status in society:

Before: Emily’s party decoration might be average or unremarkable, and her event might not stand out from others.
After: Emily’s party decoration would be unique and impressive, and her event would be memorable and talked about in her social circle.

Most likely USPs for this Avatar for our product:

Easy and convenient DIY decoration kit
Beautiful and unique frozen-themed decoration
Affordable and budget-friendly
Professional-looking and impressive decoration

Good hooks to advertise:

“Impress your guests with our beautiful and unique Frozen balloon garland”
“Create a professional-looking decoration in minutes with our easy DIY kit”
“Make your event unforgettable with our affordable and stylish decoration”
“Save time and money on party decoration with our Frozen balloon garland kit”

Lead magnet: A free guide on “10 Affordable Decoration Ideas to Make Your Party Memorable” in exchange for Emily’s email address and subscription to an email list.

If you’re not impressed at this point you should be. I’ve either been these people or sold to these people. I can tell you for a fact that these avatars are dead on. I actually have a better vision now just reading through these. The puzzle pieces are falling into place.

In the old days like 3 months ago, doing this kind of work to determine Avatar was very time-consuming. But I think that you’re going to find this very simple thing for you to do because of chatGTP. Using this prompt on ChatGPT will allow you to change your business or blog dramatically for the better. Is it perfect? No of course not.

Imagine though if you knew exactly how to incentivize someone to get on your email list, or if you knew just the words to say to make a mother feel that buying your product would make her less stressed, or if you knew that there were business owners desperate for a product that you know is hard to find in the market. That’s what these customer avatars do, give you a window into someone else’s mind.

Using Your Customer Avatar in Your Blog or Business

So how are we going to use those avatars? Let’s take a look it’s going to be fun.

Content Creation and Marketing Strategies

If I know what people are asking the questions that are important to them it’s easy to create content that appeals to them. That’s not to say that I still don’t need to do validation of my content ideas. After all, we need to know that there’s going to be someone who actually wants to read what we’re writing:) using an external Source like Google Trends to validate the people who are searching for what we’re writing about is very helpful.

It doesn’t stop there though. Using what we’ve learned by studying our avatars we have a better idea how to create content on social media that resonates with our target audience. This affects the way that we create blog posts, social media messages, and even promotional content. It makes it easier. Why?

It allows us to focus down our marketing efforts to those people who are most likely to buy our products, our ideal customers. By appealing to them we spend our marketing budget and the most efficient way possible as long assour message is communicated properly.

Personalizing the Customer Experience

Another advantage to having a customer Avatar is that it allows you to personalize your customers experience. For instance I can create a lead magnet for a particular page on a Blog. Now you might say that’s crazy are you going to make lead magnets for every single page they’re different? Of course not.


Very few pages on a website will get the majority of the traffic. This is the Pareto Principle and action. We can take advantage of that. If we know that there are two or three different pages they get 80 to 90% of our traffic, we can create a customer avatar for those pages and then create a lead magnet based on that to increase our email subscriptions for example. We might even want to create a product specifically based on that page.

Targeting Products or Services to Your Avatar’s Needs and Preferences

We’ve already spoken some about this but in general, it’s better to sell something people want then create a product and try to find somebody who wants it. Understanding what your customers want is a great way to create new products. You’re appealing directly to their needs, wants, and desires.

After all the only reason that businesses exist is to serve. If you’re better at serving more people better than everybody else generally you’ll be more successful than everybody else.

Building a Loyal Customer Base

What feels better to you, speaking to the cashier that you’ve known for the last 10 years when you buy groceries or scanning your purchases and walking out the door? It may depend on how you’re feeling that day but for the most part, having human contact with someone feels better. When we know that that person is interested in what we want and need it feels even better.

Using your customer Avatar you can connect better with your customers. When you are able to create that genuine connection with them they are much more likely to come back and purchase from you again. It’s been proven time and time again that retaining customers is the very best way to grow a business. Understanding your customers helps you to do that.

Case Study: Amazon Startup Owners

I recently worked on some advertising for an Amazon business. Previously they didn’t have a very good idea of who they were selling to. Their customer Avatar consisted only of the fact that they were selling to women who had small children. That’s not a bad start but it’s not enough.

You can take a look at the Frozen Balloon Garland above to see what a good Avatar looks like. So how can we optimize for instance the Amazon selling page based on the Avatar that we found?

Using the Unique Selling Points

Most likely USPs for this Avatar for our product:

Easy and convenient DIY decoration kit
Beautiful and unique frozen-themed decoration
Affordable and budget-friendly
Professional-looking and impressive decoration

So what we need to do is to identify unique selling points that we can communicate preferably through photos on Amazon to improve the selling page.

Our first Target will be to improve photos the show how beautiful the balloons can be.

Next, we want Emily to not be afraid of buying our balloon Garland so we need to emphasize how easy it is to set up.

In this particular Market we don’t have the cheapest product. What we do have is a product where the balloons are thicker and so the colors stand out more. That needs to be emphasized through the pictures and also communicated in writing. We need to communicate that are higher price is equivalent to higher value because of higher quality.

We can appeal to Emily’s concerns about this being a beautiful decoration by noting that several balloon companies are using the balloons professionally.

This is just one take that we can have based on the customer Avatar in the end we’ll have to test. You should also hit the button down below Chatgpt’s response to regenerate the customer Avatar. It will build a brand new Avatar around a different person. By looking at a few of these you’ll be able to get a better feeling for your overall audience.

Keep in mind that there may be different market segments that resonate with your products. That means that you may need to use different types of advertising for those different groups. Running the avatar prompt a few times should give you an idea of whether you’re dealing with multiple Target audiences.

So How can Bloggers Specifically Use the Customer / Reader Avatars

I’ve already written about how you can pick new topics based on the wants and needs of the customer Avatar. We also spoke about how you may want to create lead magnets that are specific to high-volume web pages. You also might want to create based on these customer avatars new products specifically for them.

How About People who Sell Physical Products?

For people who sell physical products understanding the Avatar will probably give you better ideas about other products that they may be interested in. Using bundling for instance on Amazon will allow you to take advantage of a high-selling product and introduce a cross-selling product to go along with it. That cross-selling product could easily be developed with customer avatars.

Naturally, though we can’t get all of our data from these avatars that we are creating. Chat GPT is very good at predicting but it’s not omniscient. We need to always remember that we have to start small and test. If our test comes out negative that tells us something as well. Either we don’t have a good measure of our ideal customer or for some reason, our product does not appeal to them. Some things you can only figure out by measuring.


Recap: The Benefits of Creating a Customer / Reader Avatar with ChatGPT

Throughout this article, we’ve been exploring the amazing possibility of using chat GPT to create customer avatars for us. Compared to creating these by hand in the past it’s like using an abacus versus a computer. There’s no excuse really to not know who your target customer is at this point.

We also considered how to use these customer avatars to create new content, and new products, and connect better with our ideal customers. I hope that you’re as excited as I am about using these insights to create a deeper understanding of your ideal customer or reader.

Encourage Readers to Try Creating Their Own Customer Avatar

So please take and copy the first prompt and use it over on chat GPT to create your very own customer Avatar. It may seem at first to you that a made-up person has no bearing on the real world. The fact is though there are target groups that are much more likely to buy our products than others.

When we look at those groups as a whole we see that the individuals that make them up have certain characteristics. For instance, most of them might be female. For the balloon Garland that we were looking at earlier by far the majority of people purchasing it are women. So any advertising that we would be doing has to take that into account.

It’s because of the fact that we can consider market segments that have a higher probability of purchasing our products versus everyone else that this method works. That’s always an important thing to keep in mind.

Impact of Understanding Your Target Audience or Customer

So now it’s up to you. What will you do with your new understanding of who is reading your blog or purchasing your products? I can guarantee you this if you use this it will help you, if you don’t use this and your competition is you’re in for a world of hurt.

Besides all the business aspects I personally enjoy this approach to analyzing our target market because it makes me feel closer to them. Sitting at a computer all day long it’s easy to forget that we are dealing with real people. Connecting to your ideal customer even in this ” imaginary” way is good for your mental health.

So why not go out right now and build an avatar using chat GPT and try for yourself I dare you. 🙂


Chris Chenault trained as a physicist at NMSU and did his doctoral work in biophysics at Emory. After studying medicine but deciding not to pursue an MD at Emory medical school Chris started a successful online business. In the past 10 years Chris's interests and studies have been focused on AI as applied to search engines, and LLM models. He has spent more than a thousand hours studying ChatGPT, GPT 3.5, and GPT4. He is currently working on a research paper on AI hallucinations and reducing their effects in large language models.

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